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Trophy Dreams

Trophy Dreams
30 May 2022

In May 2022, Studio A unveiled a new exhibition Trophy Dreams in partnership with UNSW Library and UNSW Art Collection on the university’s Kensington campus, curated by Elena Taylor. Comprised of existing and newly commissioned works from a total of nine Studio A artists, the exhibition tackles serious themes in an experiential, playful manner.

Featured in the exhibition is Annette Galstaun’s Magical Putt-Putt installation, originally shown at Cement Fondu earlier in the year. Galstaun facilitates a participatory experience for exhibition visitors who are invited to play mini-golf on the artist-designed course. The installation reflects Galstaun’s connection to the spirit world, with each mini-golf sculpture featuring a symbolic illustration of a meaningful icon or spirit. A video projection of Galstaun performing as a guardian angel watches over the activity.

Three commissioned pieces by Emily Crockford, Jaycee Kim and Victoria Atkinson were also created for the exhibition. The artists transformed UNSW graduation attire into wearable artworks, which creatively communicate their subjective perceptions of universities. Emily Crockford’s work expresses pride for her brother who has graduated from university as a doctor, whilst Victoria Atkinson celebrates her educational achievements as a graduate. Jaycee Kim creates the graduation outfit of his own universe's educational institution, where he is both the graduate and the principal. The commission aims to bring awareness to the inaccessibility of conventional education to artists living with intellectual disability.

Trophy Dreams also displays an array of Studio A works belonging to the UNSW art collection. Included are Meagan Pelham's watercolour parrots, Emily Crockford’s panoramic Australian wildlife painting, comic illustrations by Greg Sindel, and artworks from Catherine McGuiness, Victoria Atkinson and Damian Showyin. Mathew Calandra’s etchings, created during his UNSW Art and Design residency, are also featured as part of the collection.

Words by Anna McKey. Photography by Adrian Shek.

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