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Sydney Opera House: Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging Strategy

Sydney Opera House: Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging Strategy
18 December 2021

Emily Crockford’s dazzling ‘The Phantom (Sydney) Opera House’ was selected for the cover of the iconic venue’s Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging Strategy for 2021-23. Her work was licensed alongside pieces by Sally M. Nangala Mulda and Jason Phu, to support the House’s new targets of organisational diversification and a better representative public program. Emily was honoured to be chosen to epitomise this pledged change in services and storytelling.

“Over the sea is the Oprah house and Sydney Bridge. The waves bring the water and the bridge brings the cars and trains. Lots of people. All kinds of people. My Coco Opera house is made of dark chocolate and white chocolate” says Emily.

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