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Romance Was Born & Meagan Pelham

Romance Was Born & Meagan Pelham
01 January 2020

Australian fashion’s reigning maximalists, Luke Sales and Anna Plunkett invited Meagan Pelham (a ‘kindred lover of love’) to collaborate on a capsule collection for their cult label Romance Was Born.

Sales and Plunkett were drawn to Meagan’s free-associative poetry, which they embroidered across a line of customised denims, antique linens, and t-shirts — all ready to wear. “The collection is absolutely AMAZING” fawned Meagan. “Romance Was Born are great people, I love them a lot like part of the family."

Her verse was also stitched onto a one-off wedding dress decked in Swarovski crystals which swanned down the runway during Australian Fashion Week, 2021. Garments like these are often acquired directly by museums or otherwise conserved in private collections. Meagan’s involvement with Romance Was Born has, no doubt, expedited her rise to the acme of antipodean style and design — a spot that she has, while sporting her diamanté headband, always unofficially occupied.

The capsule collection was the second time Meagan’s love poetry was incorporated into a release. For Valentine’s Day 2020, her Love Owls motif was screen-printed on cotton jersey tees, accompanied by dreamy text written by the artist on the back. This design was followed up with a range of hand dyed items featuring Meagan’s artwork.

Continuing their creative connection and collaboration, in 2022 Romance Was Born launched their latest collection with Meagan. Photographed at the iconic Orpheum Palace Theatre the collection contains feminine frocks, sequinned rose accessories, dreamy loungewear and classic t-shirts adorned with Meagan’s sublime artwork.

Photography by Tanja Bruckner

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