Flirty Fashion Fancy Romance Runway, marks Studio A's 7th collaboration with Cement Fondu, inviting participants to explore a fictitious social media platform, which Meagan Pelham has imagined to be an alternative virtual space that is safe and affirmative.
Pelham is the ultimate romantic, someone who creates and lives by a philosophy of true love. The imagery in her artworks invites audiences to see the world through rose-coloured glasses and to embrace moments of beauty that surround us.
A multidisciplinary artist, Pelham practises in painting, poetry, drawing and performance. Her handwritten poetry practice is expressive and intimate, a prophecy of beautiful things and moments manifested on paper. She was selected as a finalist for the 2022 Archibald Prize, AGNSW, with her portrait Romance is LOVE, depicting friend and collaborator Anna Plunkett of the Australian fashion label Romance was Born.
Flirty Fashion Fancy Romance Runway is presented in conjunction with Cement Fondu's main gallery exhibition TMI, which explores how technologies shape and share our emotional lives.
Photography by Cybele Malinowski & Jessica Maurer
Victoria Atkinson created seven dazzling chiffon banners for Sydney Theatre Company’s iconic home on The Wharf.