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ABC Art Bites Documentary

ABC Art Bites Documentary
22 June 2019

Six unique episodes, featuring six Studio A artists in this touching documentary for ABC iview.

Directed and produced by Georgia Quinn the ‘Studio A’ documentary is a 6 part Art Bites series viewable on ABC iview. Each episode follows the story of one of six Studio A artists, Daniel Kim, Greg Sindel, Emily Crockford, Thom Roberts, Meagan Pelham and Lisa Scott. Challenging expectations of what they can do, we meet the artists and explore their practice and inspiration.

 “Studio A is one of the most inspiring places I’ve ever visited, full of creative and positive people who are achieving amazing artistic career goals. The intention behind making the series was to highlight and celebrate this, and to shine a light on the huge achievements of both the individual artists and the collective as a whole.

- Georgia Quinn, film maker.

View on ABC iView here.

The series was produced by Plum Soda Productions and commissioned as part of the ABC and Screen Australia Art Bites initiative.


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