Thom Roberts

In the future there might be new tall buildings built by Bert (Farhad Haidari)

Thom Roberts’ subject is architect Farhad Haidari, a principal at Architectus in Sydney.

‘I call Farhad “Bert”. I like to rename people and places. I met Bert when I was doing an art residency in Epping [in Sydney],’ says Roberts. ‘He made the building I was working in called The Langston. Bert came to see me making art in his building. I said to Bert, “Can I do your portrait?” Bert said, “I’d be happy to”.

‘I love to share my love of buildings with Bert. I was invited by Bert to go and see him in the MLC Building in Martin Place [in Sydney’s CBD] where his office is, which is very high up. This is where I did my first drawings of Bert with all of the other city buildings.

‘Bert showed me his sculpture models. I am a bit like an architect. I also like to make very tall building heights, like the ones I have added to my painting of Bert.’

Roberts works out of Studio A in Sydney. He is a three-time Archibald finalist.

Currently unavailable for purchase
In the future there might be new tall buildings built by Bert (Farhad Haidari) image #1

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