Katrina Brennan

Katrina Brennan’s works are sumptuous and electric. Reminiscent of the great Op Art painter Bridget Riley, her geometries swirl, pulse and vibrate with life force. Colours pop and shapes agitate as if competing for space on the page.

Katrina works across painting, drawing and textiles, and her process is simultaneously intuitive and precise.

‘Art is in my blood,’ Katrina says. ‘When I am feeling stressed, I imagine my art process. I think about the grid. I think about the squares and my pen filling them in. I find it so relaxing. It’s like melting in my head, and then I’m not stressed anymore.’

Since joining in 2019, Katrina proved to be one of Studio A’s most dedicated and ambitious young artists. Following an extensive mentorship with established textile artist Paula do Prado, Katrina created new bodies of work for Cement Fondu (Unicorn Butterfly,  2022), Cementa Festival (Kennel Crafters, 2022) and Sub Base Platypus North Sydney (home, 2019), and collaborated with six Studio A artists on Bird Life Jungle Disco, a large-scale permanent public artwork for the University of Technology, Sydney.

- Portrait by Scott Heldorf

Artist CV Katrina Brennan - CV
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